Friday, December 4, 2009

A great event of apache.

I spent with some golden days of FOSS with Apache Software Foundation (ASF) with got experience and lot of fun. I participated to the event, ApacheCon: Apache Asia Road Show 2009.

The apache roadshow is mainly targeted for the web service Technologies in Apache. It is organized by Lanka Software Foundation(lsf) and sponsored by leading opensource companies and communities in Sri Lanka.

Justin Erenkrantz, The President of ASF and Greg Steinl, Director of ASF have attended to the event. First day of the Conference, Mr. Greg Stein addressed the audience and mentioned about the history of apache and shared his experiences with apache lovers.

Basically the following Apache Technologies are discussed.

Apache Axis is the open source framework for creating, integrating, and deploying Web services applications. Apache Axis is an implementation of SOAP ("Simple Object Access Protocol"). Axis2 supports for rest and Spring Framework.

Apache Synapse provides a High performance, simple, light-weight and easy-to-use Enterprise Service Bus (ESB).

Apache woden is a Implement for reading, manipulating, creating and writing WSDL documents. Apache Shinding is a container (runtime) for OpenSocial applications called gadgets. Currently Shindig is Incubator project and It will be apache's main project soon.

Appfuse is an open-source Java EE rapid application development framework for the fast projects. Appfuse is using some of Apache Technologies.
The document oriented database.

Justin Erenkrantz is addressed the audience in second day of the conference. he is a cool guy and I really like him ;) The most important event is panel discussion. Mainly discussed about poor english knowledge of the developers, how to contribute apache projects and some other topics. end of the second day some funny things are happened. ;)

Third day called unconference was held in the famous hotel called mountlaviniya hotel. About twenty five guys are selected to unconference from previous day. We were staying in the summer hut in the mounlaviniya beach. we are divided as two group and discussed about several topics in IT field. finally ended the session with the grate discussion with Apache root about the Mac and Linux.